At West Associates, we strongly believe in helping our communities, giving back and encouraging positive, sustainable growth. And we are sure that you will agree, there is no single cause for the challenges our communities face and no one solution.
A property owner partners with us in the sale or purchase of a home and, at close of escrow, 10% of the commission is donated by West Associates on your behalf to the foundation of your choice. 10%!
In 2014, the average sale price of a home in Long Beach was $509,000. Based on the average real estate agent’s commission, in this program, your individual donation amount would be $1,272.50. How many positive changes could your favorite foundation make with an additional $1,272.50? And this is just one average sale! In 2014, there were over 3,700 sales in Long Beach alone.
We are deeply committed to this fundraising program and by working together with you, we can make a positive impact on the present and create a better future.
*Program terms and conditions subject to change. Donation 10% with a maximum of $1,000.